After Swimming we arrived back at the "new house" where B requested we go. They read some books, and played. They ate a snack, picked out stickers for their bed charts from the last couple of days that they did so well, and then they ate lunch. They helped make the smoothies for lunch! It was pretty cute!
It was girls day today, so we fed them, put them down for a nap, and then MBMell and Lola were off to the Domain to hang out together.
No kids in the car :)
MBMell is getting more confident in driving, and we got there in no time with no google detours! (or wrong turns, which we did a few times with DD driving). Lola requested the Shake Shack for lunch, which didn't disappoint, and she gets a bun!
Then the ladies headed to do some shopping where Lola got a few things, but it was nice to just enjoy some shopping together. We had Pedicures booked at Viva, which were awesome. Lola got Sharon, who was amazing, and she was nice and chatty too, but not too chatty!. MBMell's nail specialist didn't really say anything. We had a great time, and the end result looks great. Even T noticed at bed prep time that mommy and Auntie had different colour nails, and asked us "why" we got different colours... because it makes us happy! We have been working on emotions this week while Lola has been here, reading books and talking about how we feel!
After the pedicures, a little more shopping for clothes, and then off to Whole Foods. Lola's other favourite! We got everything off our list for the next couple of days so we could make some meals at home, as we are tired of eating out.
Back home we went to make supper. We got home and the kids had a great time with Daddy.....!
We had salmon, rice and asparagus for supper, with the twinkies having the animal noodles we found. We all enjoyed a nice meal together helping T and B identify all the safari and barn animals on their plate.
After supper we played horses!
Also we tried to get a selfie to send to uncle adam, but B kind of took over....
We cleaned up a little and it was time to put the twinkies to bed. The ladies did dishes, laundry, chatted and at the pistachio coconut ice cream found at whole foods earlier in the day. Once reading the label Lola realized it was made in Austin, which is pretty cool. No wonder she can't find these great flavours in Canada.
Well tomorrow is another day of adventure, lets see what is brings.
It is Lolas last full day in Austin which makes her sad, but will make the best out of the time she has left!
Night Lola.
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