Sunday, 23 March 2014

Southern Tucson Adventures

Today we traveled a lot by car, but saw a lot of different sights southern Tucson.

We went to the Collosal Caves. Pictures below...

Next stop was mcdonalds for lunch:)

Then off to Mount Lemmon. It started at 82*F and at the top was down to 50*F.
We went through many climates/biomes?? Not sure what they are called right now, but they are all in the photo below.

Semi desert
Oak woodland

The next 3 photos are from windy point vista.

Pine forest
Top of mount Lemmon, mixed conifer forest, which had a Forrest fire in 2003, caused my a cigarette butt.

Here is where the cottages were, almost at the top 7000 ft. It is called Summerhaven, it was pretty cool!

There was even a little snow at the top, Arizona Adam was pretty excited, Lola not so much.

Then we headed back down! The views were spectacular! It was a long but excellent day!

After our adventure we went out for some Mexican food and now getting ready for bed.

Here is the sunset we saw on the way to dinner.

Lola is leaving tomorrow, and Arizona Adam has to go back to work.

Good night,

Lola and Arizona Adam

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