Monday, 31 March 2014

Day 19

It's hard to believe I've been down here for 19 days. It definitely doesn't feel that long but looking back I guess that is right. We have accomplished a lot in that time, so much that I should be able to leave on Thursday I'm thinking. 

I've probably already posted that but I guess that just means I'm looking forward to going home. Well, sort of. It will be nice to be back home and back in the office. I won't miss the weather or seeing the plane each day. But after 15 months on the same project, it is time to end. For the better of both of us... Me and the plane. 

Food is already here 5 mins after ordering. WOW. 

1 comment:

  1. No wonder the carpet looks like it needs to be vacuumed ;) 19 days... can't believe it has been that long.
