Friday, 21 March 2014

Lola in Arizona

Well since Arizona Adam missed blogging yesterday I am sure the readers are wondering why.  Well I really don't know I guess nothing really happened yesterday. He worked a lot and then went out with some people from Bombardier in Tucson and talked to me.

Well I travelled to sunny and warm Tucson today! Her is a little about my adventure.

Blair was generous to pick me up bright and early this morning, 5:45, so that I could make it to the airport for 6:00am. My flight left at 7:30.  American security was short staffed or inexperienced this morning, standing in a line that isn't moving because there was a backlog of luggage and people past the metal detector and people waiting to be pat down? Not really sure. But anyways, I had lots of time to get my steeped tea (have to enjoy it before going into the states where they don't have it).

Got on my westjet flight and headed to Tucson.  Here is a photo of Winnipeg if you forget what it looks like.

I watched the free PPV movie, "enough said" which was pretty good and then watched out the window for the rest of the flight.  Experiencing new sites from the airplane window.

Picture somewhere over Colorado.

Really cool ridge where I assume 2 tectonic plate have hit:)

Coolest part was flying over parts of the Grand Canyon.  I have never seen this before but so neat to see it out of the plane window! It does remind me of the canyon we saw in Kuaui, which they called the Grand Canyon of Hawaii.  I took a lot of photos because it was so neat.  Here are a few more as I couldn't just pick one.

Eventually I made it to Phoenix. Which I also had never seen before.  It was weird to see this blue water in the middle of the desert. I am not sure what they use this water for but it still was neat to see.
There were so many developments and houses in Phoenix. What neat shapes the developments made from the Air.

Ate some food at the the airport and got onto my us expressway flight to Tucson to meet Adam. Landing in Tucson I got some photos of planes to ask Adam about :)
Arizona Adam then picked me up from the airport, took me to the car rental place to get me put onto the car then we ate at Denys for lunch.  I took him back to work and then ventured to some box stores to do a little shopping.  Ended up spending most time at Target, where I bought a new dress and some  food and drink for the hotel room!

To the hotel I went where I unpacked, watched some tv and then headed down to the pool where I currently still am:) happy to be in the sun getting some vitamin D. Lola has been lacking in that department so just to sit in the sun and blog feels pretty good.

I have to go pick up Adam at 4:30 from work, and then we have plans to go out for supper with his coworker Doug who is arriving at 5:30.  He is in town to do testing on the plane Adam has Been working on.

Our plan for the rest of the weekend is kind of up in the air.  My plan is to spend a lot of time outside.  It was 81*F when I got out if the car (no idea what the conversion), but I would say nice!  We plan on going to the 4th street festival that I went to last time I was down, so I am pretty excited:) but other than I think adam wants to take me up Mount Lemon.  But I guess you will have to wait and see:)

Time to turn over.


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