Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Tucson take 2

Well, I’m currently enroute to Tucson.  Left rainy Montreal at 4:40pm on time and arrived in cool Chicago at 6:40pm.  I had enough time to make my way to the other terminal and grab a quick bite to eat (Chinese food).  I then made my way to Starbucks for a Grande Mint Refresh tea and waited at the gate to board the plane.

As we were boarding, the guy in from of me was asking if there would be room to store his roller bag (smaller than mine) in the overhead bins.  The guy checking tickets said “Oh yeah, lots of room.  There is about 50 open seats”.

Well, he wasn’t lying, see the photo below:

So, needless to say it was a calm and relaxing flight, a row for pretty much every person on this flight.  The flight attendants are fairly happy too – not many people to have to deal with.  Overall, this is probably my best flight to Tucson.  Plus I’m flying on an MD-80 aircraft.  Pretty old airplane but very comfortable and quiet.  I’m right beside the engines and I would claim this airplane is quieter than a CRJ or even a 737 – I guess it helps with the tail-mounted engines so you don’t get a lot of engine noise as you are forward of the jetwash.

Gwen would have enjoyed this flight – I got a full can of tomato juice ;)  Although, it was Motts so not as good as the Heinz that you typically get on AirCan or WJ flights.  Oh well, I’m not picky.

I am in a relatively calm mood.  I was pretty stressed out this morning, dealing with issues on a project from Germany at 6:30am and trying to get everything ready to go so I could leave early and try to make it to work relatively on time as it had snowed the night before.

The radio was claiming that traffic was brutal everywhere, so I was a little nervous.  As I pulled out of the garage, I realized that it was raining quite a bit and it was turning the snow to slush.  The drive to work was relatively routine, in-fact I believe there was no impact on my time to get there.

One guy at work left early and got to work at 6:30am – he claims that if he waited another 10-15 mins he would have been over an hour to get there when it usually takes him 30-40 mins.  Another guy had a 2 hr commute – thanks to some early morning traffic accidents.

Well, I got about 2 more hours to go on my flight.  I’ll keep reading my magazine and maybe catch a nap while I charge my phone.  If this doesn’t work out, then there is always games on my iPhone – maybe a round or two of Tiger Woods golf, or get caught up on Jack Lumber ;)

PS – was going through pictures on my work laptop and came across this beauty:

 @Gwen – remember the goats?

PPS - this morning it was a balmy 34*F in Tucson...


  1. yep the goats were awesome! A whole can of tomato juice, so jealous... my last flight, I barely got half a glass...

  2. Good blog post and pics, what is the second one?
