Saturday, 8 December 2012


Wow, I can't believe I have posted 51 blog entries.  And, you all are still reading these... that is great!

It is the weekend and that means time to get caught up on things.  First, I started off with catching up on my sleep, sleeping until 10:00.  Usually I am woken up by the sun shining in through my window at 7 or 8 am but today it is overcast and light drizzle so that makes for great sleeping weather.

I've already started my weekly load of laundry and am half way through my first cup of coffee.  I find myself acting like my dad, watching a hunting show on tv and then Power Boat Television... hahaha.  I haven't been watching much tv, mostly because I haven't really had time but also because there isn't much selection.  That's ok, gives me more of a reason to blog.

The plan for this weekend is to go shopping.  I need some groceries and should really get some Christmas gifts.  I haven't decided where I'm going to go - whether I go to the West Island and hit up Fairview Mall and Loblaws and Costco or if I hop on the metro and go downtown to some of the more boutique-like shops.  Or, maybe I will do both - there are two days in the weekend.

Well, lunch is done so I should get ready for the day and get some stuff done.

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