Wednesday, 5 December 2012


[Wednesday en francais]

Today was substantially cooler than yesterday's record high of 12*C and rain.  I find it very hard to realize that Christmas is only 20 days away (YAY!) when there is no snow.  Work continues to keep my busy and other than seeing the Christmas tree lit up outside of work or the Santa Claus by the stairs to go up to my office, you would think it is any other month other than December.

Because of my procrastination (mostly induced by my busyness and the warm weather making it seem more like October than December) I will need to do some Christmas shopping this weekend.  I'm not too sure where I'm going to go - downtown to some of the more boutique like stores or to the West Island to the mall?  Or maybe I'll check out the closing sale at Zellers by work - I hear the sale prices are 50-80% off.  I seriously doubt that there is much worth buying at Zellers right now as most has probably already been picked up already.  But we will see what I end up doing.  I also should get a haircut, I have a project kickoff meeting to go to next week down in Tucson again so I should probably get this mop trimmed.

Yesterday I went for dinner with one of my colleagues, Doug, who has been in Montreal all week to witness any testing this week.  We went to an Indian restaurant (Buffet Maharaja) which is closer to downtown.  Dinner was good, so good infact that I over-ate and felt like throwing up; I guess my stomach truly has shrunk... one  plate of Indian food was too much, lol.

The dinner company was good.  We talked about work a bit, family's and about things that I should take Gwen or other guests (cough, cough, anyone?) to see in Montreal.  Doug told me one good restaurant called Biddles Jazz and Ribs - he said they have really good ribs and... yep, you guessed it, live Jazz.  So, the next time someone is out here I will try to take you there.

Well, this is pretty much all that I have for today.  Long day at work and I just feel like lying on the couch and drinking my tea to relax.

Just a reminder that my Christmas list is posted ;)  Skates and hockey pants are quite high on the "needed" list.  I am thankful that I can finish each game without blowing a skate - even some of my teammates are saying how "ancient" my skates are... but they still fit me so well ;)

Hope things are going well back home.    I can't wait for Christmas to see you all again.


[Good evening!]

1 comment:

  1. I also got a haircut... a real one. Maybe the little ones will let me trim them up this weekend. We like ribs... fyi.
