Monday, 24 February 2025

Hawaii 2025 - Day 4 (Big Island)

 Today Lola had a rude awakening at 5am, by a bug flying into her ear.  She woke AA up to see, and she is unsure if it is still in there, but she could hear and feel it.  We tried flushing it out with warm water, but didn't see anything come out so who knows.  We will monitor and hopefully it isn't in there!

We tried to go back to bed, but that wasn't very successful, so we got up to watch the sunrise.  We were trying to figure out where the sun would come up... and AA's first instincts were correct, right over the the top of Mauna Kea.  It took a while for the sun to come over the mountain top and it was sure bright when it finally came over top.

We got dressed and headed to Big Island Breakfast, where we switched it up, and AA got the eggs over easy today, and Lola got the omelet.  We did get a seat by the window today, so that was enjoyable. 

After breakfast we headed back to the hotel, to get our gear and finally get to snorkel in the fresh water lagoon.  AA was finally feeling almost 100% that he could breathe in a snorkel. 

What an experience.  We went for a while, and saw all the fish, and Lola needed a break, and didn't want AA to over exert himself.  After a short break we headed back to the water.  Lola was so excited as there was a turtle close to the shore that people were admiring.  So we got our gear back on, and headed out. Lola followed the turtle towards the waterfall, and was so excited that there were so many more.  Overwhelmed that everywhere she turned there was a turtle.  Glad to have the gro pro in hand she followed them around, and AA did to!  At one point he thought he touched one with his leg but it was the ledge of the rocks on the side of the lagoon.  We think there was at least 4 turtles, but likely more.

Didn't realize there was a turtle in this photo, was so focused on the fish

The second time we went out... so many turtles!

It was such an amazing view of the turtles!  Lola took so many photos and videos, it is hard to pick which ones to show.

After our snorkel we headed back to the hotel room to wash off the salt water, and head for some lunch before our afternoon adventure.  We had a credit with the hotel, so we headed back to Lagoon Grill and had some food.  Lola having a Loco Moco (without the gravy) again, and AA having a salad with chicken.  It was food, not the best.   

Around the corner, Lola had been eyeing up the dole whip that they know have at the Lagoon Chill (changed names and offerings). AA went and got us some Unsweet teas for the road, and we headed to the car.

Lola saw a place on Facebook that people were talking about, so that is where we headed (for the amount of places we had been on this island, we have never heard of this place, but it opened in 1961).  We headed south to Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park. It is is a royal ground that was accessed by canoe where they manoeuvred around the lava rocks to lane at Keone'ele Cove. The history was pretty amazing, with "the great wall" that separated the royal grounds from pu'uhanua (place of Refuge).  This area was where they would face death, unless they could swim to the area, which was extremely difficult due to the lava rock.  

The guardians around Royal mausoleum and the great wall were Lola's favorite part. The wall was up to 12 ft, 18 ft wide and over 950 ft long, constructed over 400 years ago using dry-set masonry (stones fitted without mortar). It was very impressive.

After walking around the trail, looking at the 16 items marked on the map, we headed to the pinic area where we enjoyed the lava rocks and ocean.

Back to the car we went where we headed back to the hotel for supper, stopped at one scenic point and the Queens Market on our way.  Disappointed to see the Quicksilver store (one of our favorites to shop at is closing).

We had a supper reservation at Nui Italian for 6:30pm.  The view was nice at the beginning! To our disappointment the service was very slow, and the food choices limited (without an up charge). We really enjoyed this restaurant in the past, but it didn't leave us very happy.  Although the lady didn't charge us extra for my fish (which was supposed to be an extra $30).  We both had dessert, and after 2 hours (which should have been 1 hour max) we headed back to the hotel.  Our server was very busy and she thanked us many times for being so patient. 

Back a the hotel we repacked our bags as we are heading to our next destination tomorrow!  Oh the weather has been so nice, 27 degrees every day so far, and even warm into the evening.  On our way back to the hotel from the national park we got a few rain drops on the car, but that has been it for precipitation.  

Time for bed!  Lola.

I will leave you with one last turtle photo of the day! I took so many!

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