Monday 30 September 2024

Texas - 2024 - Day 2 - Travel to New Orleans - Sept 30, 2024

Surprise, we went to New Orleans.  Today is MBMell Birthday, and we spent most of it in the car.  DD said we were leaving at 8 am... but he knew that meant 9 am.  Everyone packed up, and we left just before 9, with DD pumping up the tires just before we left and blowing the hose on his pump.  But he got enough air, thankfully.

We travelled approximately 500 miles.  The kids just sat in the back entertaining themselves with electronics... the adults chatted most of the time, while T was always listening to the conversation and loved to give little input when he could. MBMell took a short nap after lunch and AA closed his eyes closer to dinner.

The drive was pretty smooth, especially since we didn't really have a clear plan, but a definite destination, as we had a hotel booked in New Orleans. 

Our first stop was for lunch, where we found a super charger and Rudy's BBQ just outside Houston.  We ate some great bbqed meat, potatoes and of course the Creamed corn (not Lola). The Sweet tea/unsweet tea was also top notch!  We charged enough and headed on our way.

Next stop, was a little spontaneous, as the GPS took us onto a service road as the interstate was pretty jammed up because of construction, and Lola spotted a Starbucks... at that moment, MBMell also woke up, and we got her Birthday Starbucks, and the rest of us were pretty happy too. (we had been pointing out the Starbucks along the way but DD wouldn't stop). B finished her drink before the adults even got theirs as the sticker machine broke and no one noticed, therefore they weren't making our drinks.  We survived, used the washroom and carried on our way.

This was just before we made it to Louisiana.  The boarder between Texas and Louisiana was a little unimpressive, but a green highway sign posted on the bridge as you crossed the River that divided them.

We also saw some cool Fire hydrants on our way being hauled, and had to talk to my friend regarding some of the valves.

Next we stopped at a gas station/charging station just off the interstate.  We got a small charge, and went to the washroom.  Lola didn't actually take any photos, so no idea of the location we stopped. This part of the drive was pretty neat, driving over the swamp on the 3rd longest bridge in the United States at almost 20 miles. 

After a 15 minute charge, we headed to our supper destination of Outback Steakhouse which was right by the supercharger  just east of Baton Rouge.  B decided we had eaten too much meat already for the day, and was disappointed that Lola can only eat at restaurants with meat... and told her she didn't really like travelling with her, because the restaurant had meat.

The Mississippi River.

We had very slow service, but the car charged, and we all enjoyed our meals.  B having potato soup, and then ate part of MBMell's steak and lobster and T's pasta, as she was still hungry.  But she didn't want sea food as we were going to New Orleans and didn't want meat because we at too much at lunch... The food was pretty good, but DD was a little unhappy it was so dark when we left, as he doesn't enjoy driving in the dark. 

AA loves his wedge salad.

We had 1 hour left to get to our hotel in New Orleans.  We made it pretty uneventful, and a little disappointed we couldn't see the City as we drove in.  We arrived around 8:30pm. We checked into the hotel, B, T and MBMell ate their free cookies and then the kids went to bed, and AA and DD went to get some beverages.

Supposedly the convenience store was a party, but they had no proof of this when they came back, but they are pretty sure they didn't pay for 2 beers as the cashier was too busy dancing to ring through the beer.

The adults hung out in one room while the kids slept in the other.  We researched things to do for the next 3 days and made a little plan (which will make T happier as he really wanted to know the plan before he went to bed but we didn't have one).

It is just past midnight and everyone is sleeping while I try and finish the blog.  An earlyish morning tomorrow.

We will see what New Orleans brings to us tomorrow.

Night Lola.

Sunday 29 September 2024

Texas - 2024 - Day 1 - Travel to Austin - Sept 29, 2024

 We were only home for a few days, and back to the airport to head to see our friends in Austin Texas.  We got up super early 4:45, picked up by 5:15 and off to the airport.  Getting our bag checked and through security was a breeze.  We headed to the lounge were we had a little breakfast before heading on our first flight to Calgary.

AA slept the whole way, while Lola watched a movie.  Pretty uneventful.

Once in Calgary, we headed to the Elevation Lounge as we had a 3 hour layover which was extended 20 minutes as we arrived in Calgary early.  We had another breakfast, Lola spilt her whole tea on the table, and we relaxed in the lounge.  It was pretty busy when we first got there, but seemed to empty out as time went by.  We ate our omelettes and hash browns, while AA had a smootie and Lola had a bowl of fruit.  They also enjoyed some toast.

We then headed through security and customs to go onto the international side.  Once there we found a few snacks for Lola, and waited to board the plane.  It was very full, but no issues on the flight.

AA had a Mr. Noodle and Lola ate her eggs, beef jerky and Veggies she has purchased.  While on the flight Lola tried to blog from the last trips they were on where she didn't finish.  She wrote a lot of the text, but was unable to post as the internet wasn't working on the plane.  AA read his book, and watched his eye lids.

Once arriving in Austin, it was a zoo at the airport.  We finally got our bag and then watched the chaos outside while DD waited in the long line of cars to pick us up.  We headed back to the house to see the rest of the clan.  B and T decided to hid from us, but quickly came out to give big hugs.  It has been a whole year since we have been at their house, and they had to show us all the things that have changed.  They were pretty excited.  

After a quick tour we headed to Top Golf for Dinner and some hitting. The food was enjoyed by all, and we had a great time golfing and spending time together.  Lola loved the new Top Golf exclusive club called The Sure Thing Club. 

The first standard top golf game, DD won, while AA, MBMell and Lola all tied.   The second game called block party, Lola got top spot, with MBMell not far behind.  We had a lot of fun!

After supper and golf we headed to Whole foods for a few items for Lola, and then home to shower, and bed for the kids. The adults hung out on the couch and got some things done, and just chatted.  

We have exciting plans tomorrow... see if we can get out of the house at a decent time. 

Night, Lola.

TAC 2024 - Vancouver - Full Recap

 I had a great conference in Vancouver.  Headed to Vancouver by myself on Friday September 20, 2025. She enjoyed Steve's Poke Bowl for dinner (AA recommended it, and it was sure good).  She watched the sea planes land and enjoyed her dinner.  She was very excited to see the cruise ships in the harbour.

AA came the day later, as Lola had meetings Saturday Morning.

Saturday - Lola went to the meeting and AA explored and had a nap as he was up very early to catch his flight.

We went for dinner along the harbour at Lift Bar Grill View.  They enjoyed their fish dishes and watching the boats and seals in the water.  They walked back to the hotel, Pinnacle Harbourview along the sea wall, enjoying the sunset and the olympic flame.

Sunday Morning, Lola had off so we boarded a bus and headed to Capilano Suspension Bridge.  It was an amazing experience, "climbing" in the tree tops, crossing the suspension bridge, and enjoying the cliff walk.  We had hot beverages as we walked, and really enjoyed the birds.  AA always wants to see a Falcon and we finally saw one.  A visit to the Gift store and then headed back on the 20 minute bus ride back downtown. (sorry the photos are backwards).


They went for lunch at DeDutch, where Lola actually got to eat the dutch pancake, Pannekoek.  It was Gluten and Dairy Free :), and so good.

After lunch Lola had a bike tour, where she went over 15.5kms around Vancouver, exploring the bike facilities of Vancouver and public spaces.  She cleaned up and headed to the welcome reception before meeting AA for Dinner at Miko.  The sushi was amazing.

Monday, it was rainy, but there was a Disney Ship in the port. Lola went to the conference and AA worked from the hotel.  Lola even got to see the cruise ship leave.  The Monday night event we went on a sea bus across the water.  We got special entrance for Allergies before everyone else got to go in, as there were two venues across from each other.  One an art gallery and the other a pub.

Tuesday was another day full of meetings and the Work event in the Evening.  AA went to Everett for an over night to meet with some work colleagues and do some training.

Wednesday was the last day of the conference, Lola moderated her session in the afternoon, it was a full house. Lola and AA went out for dinner at the Cactus Club Cafe, once he came back from Everett, then straight to bed, as we were both very tired.

Thursday we returned the rental car and headed to breakfast at Bellagios Cafe.  Walked back to the hotel to pack up and head to the airport by the Canada Line.

It was a great conference and Lola was happy to have AA there for support and to eat some meals with :)