Monday, 13 May 2019

Texas May 2019 - Day 3

Today was D day..... Doctors.  MBMell planned to have Lola help her with the 4 year wellness check up, which we all knew involved vaccinations.  Kids took a long time to get ready this morning, so breakfast was cut short as we had to get to the doctors office for 9ish.  (I can't remember the exact time). 

The doctors and nurses were so nice at the check up.  They got their weight and height done, blood pressure, answered questions, they listened to their heart and lungs, they had an ear test, and eye test and then the shots....

Dr said that they only needed 2, then MBMell reminded her that the vaccination schedule in Canada was different and they were trying to catch up.... it ended up they both got 4, 2 in each leg. B went first, and was so brave, she didn't cry.  While that happened Lola let T play on her phone for the 2 minutes it took to try and distract him.  Then it was T's Turn. He was not as happy about the needles and it took both MBMell and Lola to hold him down, but he still did very well.  It was a lot, and i wouldn't have handled it like they did. 

Once they were all done they got to pick stickers, and I think they knew we were coming as T got a Goofy sticker and B got a Chewy sticker.

Back to the house to pick up AA who was working during this time, and to the all abilities park we went.  We brought bikes so they could go on the track as B requested. 

We had a great time playing on "surf board", see-saw (which was closed last time they went), play structure, track, town as well as the construction area.  By the end of the play time, B just wasn't feeling herself, the vaccinations hit her hard at that point. Poor kid.

We headed to mcdonalds for food, where B didn't eat very much and we had to stop T half way through his meal (took the rest home) so that we could get B home, so she could go to bed.  Nap time was good, the adults had a list of things, we had to 1. charge the tesla, 2. measure the play structure area in the back yard, 3. order groceries and 4. make 2 specialist appointments for T.  We were successful, all while AA played video games.

B woke up first, and still wasn't feeling well, so spend some time watching AA play Mario Cart.  T then woke up, and we got to do what he was wanting to do for 2 days, and we played Sorry again.  B wasn't feeling herself still, so she tried to play but just was having a hard time sitting at the table.  She went back to the couch, and we continued to play with just T.  He was excited to play with AA, but then had a washroom break, and then just wasn't interested anymore.  They got to watch some tv while the adults made supper (when the groceries came).

AA bbqued steak and potatoes and we made brocoli.  B didn't eat much except for the watermelon, then requested to go to bed.  Lola helped her brush her teeth, get her pjs on, wash her face and straight to bed at 7 pm she went.  We haven't heard a peep from her since.  We hope she is feeling better tomorrow.

T struggled to eat, we sat at the table for a while, and finally he decided he wanted ice cream and ate his food.  We told him he had to only eat either the brocoli or the potatoes, but by the time he ate all the steak and some of the brocoli, he forgot the plan and just ate everything off his plate.  the 4 of us enjoyed our dessert, and then it was bath time and bed for T.

Oh I forgot to mention, DD had to go out of town for 2 days, so he left early early this morning and will be back late tomorrow.

Once the kids were in bed, the adults, cleaned up, chatted, and then Lola said it was time to get some more photos hung on the wall.  We were successful hanging up the gallery wall, as well as the memory boxes and the newest disney frame.  It feels way more "homey" in the dinning room now.  We also made a plan for tomorrow of where other things will be hung.

AA played some Donkey Kong, old Mario cart and watched some animal show on tv while the ladies spent some quality time together.  Lola was excited to empty another box!

Oh and we ate ice cream!

Oh and when MBMell and Lola were in the backyard measuring, the neighbour over the fence says...."oh there are 2 of you".  Yes we look rather similar, especially when we wear the same shirt in a different colour and we both have similar hair and glasses.


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