Thursday, 17 May 2018

Austin 4.0... Day 2

So depending on who blogs, it depends if this trip is 3.0 or 4.0, Lola didn't like how AA has decided to start the blog this way, so has changed it for her entry. 

Today was a great day in hot Austin Texas.  As promised the night before, T came crashing into Lola and AA's room to tell them it was time to get up as the light had turned green in their room, which means they can get out of bed.  He was very excited that Lola jumped out of bed, they went potty together, then spent some time on the couch with DD.  After a bit of time AA, MbMell and B came to join us in the living room.

DD went to work, AA was working for a little, and the rest of us had waffles (as promised the day before) for breakfast.  We had a great breakfast together, talking about gardening, food, and anything else that came into those cute kids heads. 

We then decided we were going to head to Round Rock to the "play all" park.  This was a little of a drive, MbMell did pretty good, only exiting once at the wrong time, and not entering the interstate a few times, but she got us there safely!  What a cool park.  It was full of different ares, all fenced in.  The areas were so neat, musical instruments, conveyor belt slides, dual swings, train structures, race tracks and mini town just to name a few highlights.  We brought the kids scooter and bikes, but only got a chance to use the bikes.  The town and race track were great for them to burn off some energy.  It was sure hot, we were glad there were a lot of shaded areas at almost all locations around the park.  The twinkies did awesome riding their bikes, playing on the structures and taking turns with other kids down the conveyor belt.  T even got to dig, which he waited for a kid to get off, and ran back to get his turn.

After the park we headed to McDonalds, because it was getting later and AA had to take a work phone call at 1.  Don't worry the twinkies requested it so they could continue to play at a structure.  We took the food home in order to allow AA to take his call. 

After all the play and filling our tummies with you guessed it.....another hamburger (by all of us) the twinkies went to bed, and the adults just hung out.  Catching up and researching Schlitterbahn so we can feel more confident when getting there.

Twinkies had a decent nap, and woke up to new puzzles, which they were pretty excited about. T loved the farm animals, pets and African themes!  I think their mom knows what they like!  B also pulled Lola away to play with the Paw Patroller.

  We played for a while, had a snack, and waited for DD to get home from work. Headed to Rudy's for some classic Texas BBQ, sitting by T's favorite Long Horned Cows.  The food was good and Lola and DD tried not to over eat.  T loved making sandwiches just like his Daddy! After supper it was  home to bed. Well for the Twinkies, adults had some beverages and talked about our plan for tomorrow and chatted about american health care, and watched Jon Oliver.

Now time for bed as we are going to San Antonio tomorrow and I am sure I will have a some little feet come into my room to wake me when the light turns green tomorrow morning. 

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