Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Austin 4.0 Day 7

Well today is the last full day here in Texas, it is always hard to say goodbye.

Today started with us getting the kids ready for school, while DD went to go get the Tesla, and AA had calls to do for work.  We got the kids to school in time for breakfast, as well as I got to meet this cute kid name Leah, who asked me who I was, and got MbMell to fill her water for her.  B and T were tear free which was awesome (see how tomorrow goes as they don't know that we are leaving before they get home yet).

Following drop off, MbMell and Lola headed back to the house to have breakfast and get ready for the day.  We went to the Domain to do a little shopping and hit up their favorite store... Athleta (a store that Lola currently can't get clothes from in Canada).  We only bought a few things! 

After some shopping the DD and AA met us at Top Golf for lunch and some games. The food was excellent, Lola and AA decided on salads which were excellent!  Then up to the Audi section of Top Golf to hit some balls.  What a neat activity, this isn't just a driving range like originally thought, but it had different games to play with the targets out in the distance. MbMell was very good at hitting the yellow target consistently, while Lola enjoyed the green!  DD started his game off using the ladies clubs as he forgot the the ladies were always on the "right".  This is a highly recommended activity, as there are so many games you could play.  The balls all have RFID's in them to track exactly where they land. 

The 4 of us played for 2 hours, and then headed to pick up the Twinkies from school.  They had a great day learning about bugs.  They searched for spiders in the dirt outside with magnified glasses as well as learned a new song that B already memorized. The only thing T could remember eating was mashed potatoes, which Lola thought was pretty interesting.  They also brought home some art work, where B was very proud that she only put the bug stamps on the paper, rather than all over her brother.

Once home, DD had some work to do, MbMell was doing things around the house,  Lola played with the Twinkies (with cars, a ramp, and a puppy that just kept blocking the cars from going down... oh Emma), and AA made supper.  We headed outside for a little play when AA was bbqing!

Chicken, Rice and Asparagus was supper tonight, and wow was it good! B had 3 helpings of rice, 2 helpings of asparagus and 1 helping of chicken. T only had 2 helpings of rice, and was a struggle to get him to eat the asparagus, but finally did.  We had a great supper.  While we were waiting for T to finish eating, we were chatting with B, and we started talking about Dinosaurs, which reminded B of the time MbMell and DD went to see Dinosaurs after they got married. (kids are funny).  Yes they had gone to Universal Studios, Jurassic Park, on their honeymoon, and we also went back last February (refer to older blog post).  We started talking about how B hugged the Photographer Helper (thought she was a character at Disney), while the Dinosaur sure scared Lola.  After supper was completed, Lola found the photos and we looked through them and talked about that excellent trip!

Bed time was next, we went to the washroom, got pjs on, and the new tradition of brushing our teeth with Lola was completed. The Twinkies went to bed alright after they lost all their privileges in the the first minute of closing the door, but turned it around quickly and got their privileges back one by one as time passed and the continued to stay in their beds and try and fall asleep!

Good night hugs

The adults, then played a little VR, Vacation Simulator Demo was amazing, as well as talked about future vacations together. We ended the night with a few more games, Wits and Wagers as well as Whats your Meme. It is late, and Lola should get to bed. We plan on taking the Twinkies to school (saying our good byes), heading to do a bit more shopping then off to the airport we go.

Monday, 21 May 2018

Austin 4.0 Day 6 - let the games begin

Well after last night of finally getting the Twinkies to sleep (MBMell was the prize winner in getting them finally to sleep), we decided to play a game.  MBMell opting out to do laundry, but AA dealt her in, and Lola convinced her, that she would help her with the laundry if she joined us.  Once we began to play skip bo....we started talking about games that MBMell enjoys playing, the list consisted of about 5 games.  After a quick discussion, we decided to see what games we could get on Amazon Prime Now, supposed to be delivered within 2 hours.  Successfully MBMell (and her amazon skills) found Ticket to Ride and Sushi Go.  These 2 games ordered  and should arrive before 11 pm, enough time to play before bed.  Three other games were ordered as well, just through Amazon Prime, and should arrive tomorrow (Tuesday) for us to play on our final evening here.

As we were waited for the games to arrive we continued to play skip-bo.  We didn't get very far into the game before MBMell's phone continued to give her notifications.... games are ready to be shipped, games have been shipped, .... we continued to follow the delivery woman on MBMell's phone and to our surprise it was going to arrive well within the 2 hours window.  Google Home timer was set for 2 hours..... turns out we needed 19 minutes, to have 2 games delivered to the door. 

19 minutes.... that was worth the shipping to have that kind of service!  We put skipbo away and played the newly purchased ones.  We pretty much finished playing an intense round of Ticket to Ride before the 2 hour mark arrived (and Lola and MBMell folded all the laundry as well).

After enjoying the 2 newly purchased games, it was finally bed well after 1 pm.  (a late one for us), but so much fun!

This morning, we all slept past the green light turning on (7:50).  T up first to talk with mom and dad, then to notice that the toys had a great time last night.  Sure couldn't get over how Butch was wearing his bib and letting everyone know he saved the paw patrols from the dinosaurs...  oh AA is sure a funny guy.

DD went to take the Tesla in to the service center to get the door fixed, as a functioning passenger door would be great!  He went to work after that. AA also had a call in the morning, so Lola, MbMell and the Twinkies ate breakfast and played a little. MBMell went for a shower, while Lola had colouring under control.  We coloured for quite some time, T showed me his sticker skills and B and I had secrets about what we were colouring (B's game not, Lola). 

After that we went to get some groceries for lunch and suppers in the next couple of days.  MbMell took us to a different HEB than used to (just where google told her to go).  Twinkies did pretty good, and we got a good selection of groceries so we didn't have to go out for the rest of our meals. (we are tired of hamburgers).

We had a good lunch, salad, polish sausage, tomatoes, cucumbers and grapes. 

Nap time was great, the adults went outside to enjoy the comfortable weather, and stay out of the way of the cleaning lady.  The neighbouring dog barked almost the whole time but we still talked about plants, pineapples and everything in between, while sipping on some tea!  We had to wake up the twinkies as it was time for Swimming Lessons.  They were sleeping so well, it was hard to wake them.  Both having a really hard time. (lets just leave it at that). We got there with a few minutes to spare, but sure was a struggle, glad we had 3 adults and 2 kids...

Swimming was great, this week was learn to swim with normal clothes on week.  They did a great job, and even got ribbons at the end! Even Emma had a great time watching! On our way home we looked for the cows and sang Moana songs.  Once home AA and Lola made supper, while the twinkies watched their treat of paw patrol.  DD made it home in record time.... with his loner Tesla (as he didn't make it back to the service center in time to pick it up).

We had a great meal consisting of BBQ'ed steak, baked potatoes (made in the crockpot all afternoon), zucchini, fried mushrooms and onions as well as the Corn on the cob that T picked out/suggested at the store.  The Twinkies really enjoyed the Corn!

After supper there was a little colouring, a bath for some 2 kids and then they went to bed.  Tonight bed time was a little more bearable after they all emptied their bowels.

DD then took AA and Lola for a test drive in the Model S Telsa he got as a loner.  That car has some power!  Once returning from our little adventure, we went back inside, as AA was using the washroom, Lola, MBMell and DD went for another test drive.  AA was left in charge of the sleeping twinkies.  This time DD tested the acceleration even more... how about 0-60 in 3.something seconds... wow the adrenaline, it felt like a roller coaster!  Not sure why you need a car that fast....but so cool, I would like one!  The g force took your breathe away as it was accelerating.  DD said he didn't even do it as fast as he could... but we couldn't keep trying as MbMell has a weaker stomach and already was feeling a little queasy.

We played ticket to ride 2 more times this evening.  It was a lot of fun, and can't wait to play the new games arriving tomorrow.

Hope everyone had a great long weekend!

Sunday, 20 May 2018

Austin 3.5 Day 5 - Schlittering on da Bahns

Today was another day at Schlitterbahn, this time with T feeling more like his usual self and able to take part in the festivities.

The twinkies woke up not too early but early enough that most of the adults still wanted to sleep.  So DD took the kids into the living room and entertained them by playing Mario or letting the kids play Mario Kart.  Afterwards the adults were all awake and packed up their suitcases and the remaining food that was not eaten.

With the Tesla packed with bags and humans, it was a short drive to the East Waterpark (the West was done yesterday).  The weather was not the same as yesterday - rain and overcast while loading up the car so we were expecting the lines and crowds to be smaller than yesterday.  And we were correct - there were not too many people at the park today which allowed us to get the most out of the short time we had there.

T decided to have a melt down as they were ordering food for lunch - seems that he felt he needed another "soft friend" (puppy) from the gift shop even after Mommy and Daddy both said "no".  The logic used to explain why he didn't need another puppy (because he already has one) was soon flipped around onto DD who was then told "but Dad, I don't have a narwhal", which was also at the gift shop.  Well played little man, but you weren't going to win this one.

The afternoon was cut short after having lots of fun with DD and AA at the pirate ship with slides.  A large thunderous "boom" could be heard which was followed shortly by the signal to evacuate the pools and start the 30 min "out of water" clock which is park policy for when there is lightning in the area.  After gazing at the sky to assess whether it made sense to continue to wait it out and a quick weather report from DD (after changing the city from Austin to New Braunfels after one false report) it was decided that there was a marginal chance that the park would re-open the pools and slides.

So, the gang changed into clothes and made their way to the Tesla to start the journey back to Austin.  First, though, they had one stop they had to make at San Marcos at the Tesla Supercharger Station at the Outlet Mall.  After 20 mins of charging, the range went from 23 miles to 100+ miles so they could continue the drive back to Austin.

Someone didn't want to nap

Happy with their Starbucks selection on the drive home
Back at home base, the kiddos were very happy to be re-united with their toys and soft friends. 

Listening to the end of the Jets season back at the house

Dinner tonight was sushi, the restaurant scouted out by Lola from a few weeks ago.  DD and AA made the drive to pick up the sushi and some BEvERages from Whole Foods (along with more yogurt for Lola, only to find out that she had 2 still at the house; well now she has 5 to eat in the next 3 days).

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the sushi:

Now, the kids are attempting to go to sleep.  By "attempt", I mean they are supposed to be going to bed but there seems to be a battle of the wills between the two littles and two bigs.  We will see who wins this battle - my money is on the Bigs.