Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Hawaii 2017 - day 7

Today was a pretty relaxing day with not much planned.   We got up in the morning and had breakfast.  T had a meltdown because MBMell used the banana on his plate after changing his mind that he wanted a smoothie like the adults. Lola eventually spend some time away from the table with the mad kid, and he came back and ate the smoothie even though he really wanted the banana to reverse from the

After breakfast we got ready to head outside. It took us awhile before getting sunscreened and dressed and by that time I was a little rainy and cold.  The Twinkies sure didn't care, off to the swimming pool we went. They had a great time, and T even floated in his stomach with his face in the water.  The ladies weren't so impressed with the weather but were happy to see the kids and men having fun.

After swimming and running back in the rain, the kids enjoyed playing in the hotel in their towels. We got ready to go to Whalers Village for lunch. We had a great meal, and then headed to do a little shopping but not before stopping at the giant Christmas tree with a surf board in it for some family photos.

We did a little shopping then headed back to the hotel for a short photo shoot with the new outfits and naptown. And packing...

The Twinkies did awesome and the weather held out for the photos, only starting to rain as we headed back.  The afternoon the ladies packed the Twinkies slept and so did DD.

After nap, b wasn't feeling so hot, but like a trooper she is, she kept on trucking as we headed to Dukes for supper which was just at our hotel edge.  B sat near Lola and eventually ended up on her lap as she was not feeling well. Supper arrived and B didn't want anything to do with hers, so she stayed on Lola's lap. A few minutes later she threw up on Lola. Poor B.

Dd took b back to the room while the rest of us finished supper. We had a good time, and t enjoyed all the attention, and even got dessert (don't tell B).

On our way back we walked to the store to get B some anti nausea medication as it was only about 3 hours before their flight left. MBMell bought Lola a lava flow popsicle to help her feel better about the incident.  It was really good!

Once back we found out that B still wasn't doing well, but took the medication and began to feel a little better.  We packed up the rest of the odds and ends and headed to the airport.
It was a sad goodbye but Lola and AA dropped them off,  no tears just a few pouts.  They got on board with no incidents, so hopefully the Twinkies sleep on the red eye home.  Lola and aa traded in the Niason Quest for a ford fussian and headed back to the hotel.

We wish our travel buddies a safe and uneventful flight back home, and will miss them.  Lola is still not feeling the greatest but hopefully tomorrow she will continue to get better and hopefully be able to breathe more freely.

Night, Lola.

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