Monday, 29 May 2017

Montag in Österreich

Unfortunately today's blog probably won't be as interesting as yesterday's.  However, with the viewership I should keep the blog up-to-date.

Today was a routine work day in Austria, from what I could tell.  I got up at 4:00 to close the blinds since I am apparently facing due east:


After getting up at 7:00 and showering, I made my way down for breakfast at the hotel.  The buffet spread was delicious:

It was then a short 20 mins drive to work.  The drive was very scenic, going through many small towns and on narrow roads.  It certainly made driving interesting, having to up and down shift, steer and make sure you didn't hit the buildings in the town or the oncoming cars.

Work was good - accomplished what we wanted to today (reviewing procedures and paperwork).  Tomorrow is testing - should be quick, then more paperwork.

I met tons of people, some of which I have met previously - like one guy who traveled all the way to Winnipeg to deliver test samples only to have his bag lost and delivery delayed two days.  I also met another guy who used to work at Bombardier when I was in Montreal - small world.

Lunch was at the company cafeteria - soup and spaghetti, for all salaried employees (from what I could tell).

We reached a point at 3pm that made sense to call it a day.  I made the short drive back to the hotel, this time snapping some pics on the way:

At the hotel, I hit up the gym and got in a 1.5 mile run and stretching.  Then it was time for a quick shower and get some work done before dinner at the hotel again:

Apparently "roasted guinea fowl breast" is roasted chicken breast, or at least that's what it tasted like.  I thought it might be a Cornish game hen but I don't think it was.  And, I seem to have my appetite back - helps that I am one meal ahead, eating at 7pm which is 12pm at home.  And yes, that beer went down much quicker than yesterday - no risk of falling asleep.

After dinner, I jumped on one of the weekly meetings that we have and got some more work done.  Now, at 10:37pm it is time to try and wind down and get to bed.  I shouldn't have trouble sleeping tonight - it was a busy day and only 2 cups of espresso (that were likely double shots...).

Good night!

ps. "tag" means "day" in German.  "Gutten tag" = "good day".  Montag = Monday, Sonntag = Sunday. ... Mittwoch = Wednesday, apparently even in the Germanic language Wednesday sounds dreary and odd.

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