Well today was another successful day, although we didn't do 2.5 of the things on our itinerary but all and all a great day, and the twinkies did so well too.
We started almost on the same foot as yesterday, as we didn't leave the hotel room till just after 8. But got to the park on schedule this time, so no biggie, plus we are on holidays right?
Today was Epcot day! What a neat park and totally different from Magic Kingdom. I felt like this park tried to teach the public about the world around us, including the bad things we have done to damage it, while trying to make the world a better place. We started the day with Soarin' a child swap right, so AA and I went first while the others stayed behind. Wow what an amazing experience, flying through the world experiencing things like tops of mountains, middle of the ocean, and historic monuments around the world. We heard good things about this right, and interesting enough the video had changed since the last time MBMell and Devin had been there. Top 2 of the day for sure!

Up next we circled our way in the building to find the other attractions, living with the land about the innovations that Disney is providing to create a better world. Turner really enjoyed the farm area we went through on our tour boat. We also went to a dated video called the circle of life about how greedy humans were/are to the world, all narrated by simba, trying to teach Timon and Pumba about not just building damns for personal gain. AA thinks he has seen it before when he was in grade school. It could be as the video was defnintley made in the early 90s.

After that we got to hang out in clamshells and get to the seas to try and visit nemo and friends. This was was really neat with so much mixed visual effect and a large aquarium. Following the finding nemo theme, we headed to turtle talk with crush, were we had an interactive session with crush. It was pretty neat how he asked the audience questions and got answers from them, and he was an animated turtle on a screen.
We headed for lunch at the Electic Umbrella Restaurant where we had great burgers fries and apple slices.

After lunch we switched things up as Devin was leaving to go back to Austin for a few days, and we wanted him to be able to experience the "orange" side mission- space. Mell and I went first in the green because it was a child swap, Devin worked his magic to get the kids to sleep, and Adam took some photos. After Mells and I experience which was very good, except for the ladies in our group that couldn't understand English, therefore didn't understand the instructions for the role playing roles or even when to enter and exit. Mell was the navigator and I was the pilot. While the boys went (where aa got to be the engineer one the mission), the girls and sleeping twinkies headed around to explore a little. Why not get some photos with the "Epcot ball" as Brinley calls it.

After lunch we switched things up as Devin was leaving to go back to Austin for a few days, and we wanted him to be able to experience the "orange" side mission- space. Mell and I went first in the green because it was a child swap, Devin worked his magic to get the kids to sleep, and Adam took some photos. After Mells and I experience which was very good, except for the ladies in our group that couldn't understand English, therefore didn't understand the instructions for the role playing roles or even when to enter and exit. Mell was the navigator and I was the pilot. While the boys went (where aa got to be the engineer one the mission), the girls and sleeping twinkies headed around to explore a little. Why not get some photos with the "Epcot ball" as Brinley calls it.
We also saw some neat moving statues! I can't believe they can do that for so long and with their eyes closed.
Following that we headed to test track. This was my least favorite of the day, it was just so long and we even had a fast pass. Mell and Devin didn't get to go on it, as Devin ran out of time before he had to leave but I guess we can say we experienced it. Mell was confused as we talked about it, as the ride had totally changed since the last time they had been here, but they kept the same name.
Following that we headed to test track. This was my least favorite of the day, it was just so long and we even had a fast pass. Mell and Devin didn't get to go on it, as Devin ran out of time before he had to leave but I guess we can say we experienced it. Mell was confused as we talked about it, as the ride had totally changed since the last time they had been here, but they kept the same name.
One last ride with "daddy" before he left, which was spaceship earth. This one was very neat, and narrated by "m" from James Bond, so had to be good. I rode with B and AA, who both almost fell asleep on this one, even though I enjoyed it.
Bye bye to Devin, and off to explore the Epcot showcase.
What a neat area filled with culture and architecture. We made sure to stop in at Canada to get our 150 buttons! We were disappointed we didn't have to answer a skill testing question. We walked around enjoying the sites of Canada, England, France, Germany, Japan, China, Norway and Mexico just to name a few. Mell and Adam even got some food and drink to test out the culture.
Off to meet Mickey and friends next. This was fun! And B didn't enjoy goofy.... (Hense why no photo of the group)
Then Mell thought we better go find Pluto, as Turner had been pulled away from him earlier in the morning. The line was short, and it was funny because B also didn't want to go with him either. T loved it, and was sad when we had to leave him.
We headed to frozen ever after. Once in the fast pass line, we realized time had gone by too quickly and we were going to be late for our dinner reservation. So I got on the phone and thankfully could change the reservation with 10 minutes to spare, but oh was I happy we got to go on frozen ever after. Top ride of the day... It was just so amazing and the songs are so catchy! t wanted more when it was over....
We had some time to kill, so off to browse the shops and then dinner buffet at biergarten. The food was so good, and we even got entertainment. The kids ate a lot of food, and had a great time. I think I ate at least 6 sausages myself. Nice that they make them so pure and the chef told me I could eat them!
The night was almost over but not before another fireworks show. This time on the water. Lots of fire and cool graphics on a globe that was situated on a boat.
To end the night the ladies got tea and Adam took some photos.
It was a great day, and can't wait to sleep in tomorrow for a little break. We aren't going to a park tomorrow so we will see how much time we spend in the pool and or shopping:)
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