Saturday, 18 October 2014

Lola's day!

Well my day didn't start off the same way as Arizona Adam....

Cathrine (my partner in crime for the day, and Katie's friend from Kentucky) had the task of picking up the flowers.... Taking the cake flowers to the reception hall then bringing the rest of the flowers to the church.  We drove Katie and Jason's SUV to the Safeway at Sunshine and Swan.  Get to the desk and the lady's there asks if we are at the correct store.... We are like yes. She couldn't find the order.  Call the bride, yes we are at the right spot.... Still can't find the flowers.  The worker calls the manager, Gail, at home.... She screwed up and thought the order was for Saturday.  Cathrine and I are freaking out a little but trying not to be too panicked in text messages to the bride. Safeway worker says they will be done in half an hour.

Catherine and I go to the cv pharmacy next door to buy markers for the guest book picture frame, go to Starbucks to get some pick me ups, and then back to safeway.  It is now 9:15 and the flowers were just started.  At about 9:30 the lady trying to fix Gail's mistakes asked us to go wait in the waiting area by Starbucks because we were making her nervous.  Well I was nervous the wedding was going to be late because we couldn't do our simole task of delivering the flowers to the wedding.  At about 10 we couldn't wait any longer.  Went back to the counter and Gail was there frantically trying to finish.  We got out of there had to take all the flowers to the church including the cake topper ones.  We made it at about 10:40 and the wedding started at 11.  Not bad,,, I was nervous is all morning,,,,

Our cute little ring bearer was so happy when we got there, and I think the bride too.

Our selfie when he came to help us carry the flowers in. Catherine, rowen and Lola

The wedding was nice.  Here are a few photos I took.

The cutest ring bearer.

The ladies with their flowers:)

The wonderful couple.

My cowboy husband

Adam even drove the Shelby around to the front of the church so the bride and groom could leave in it:)

Cathrine and I collected all thee flowers again and headed to Katie's parents ranch.  We got there and we both seemed to be the go to girls.  I helped put out drinks, collect members for pictures, delevier messages between the bride and the bridesmaids, clean up the table, move food outside. Oh and the food order was not done either... So they got what they could... And cut the sandwhiches smaller...

Aa and I out at there ranch after all the fires were put out.

We then headed to there reception, with the flowers once again... We finally found the right person to give the cake topper flowers too, and set the guest book frame and markers and then got to enjoy the rest of the evening,

Cathrine and I at the beautiful skyline country club.

Final destination for flowers, happy to not have to worry about them.

The wedding cake.

The photo booth.

All and all it was a great day.  We were home by 10... One of the last people to leave.  I danced up a storm and got many complements as people left.  I am sure people will still be talking about it tomorrow...

Well AA is already snoring beside me in bed, so I guess I should go to bed too.

Good night from my cowboy and Lola!

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