Tuesday, 8 July 2014


I'm still trying to think of something that starts with "O" for a clever alliteration...

The workshop today was good. I learned some new things and took lots of notes. It was also different taking breaks throughout the day and an hour lunch. 

The first half of the day was gorgeous outside. At lunch, I want to a food court about 3 blocks away and grabbed chicken pad Thai and then sat outside to listen to a live band play. 

After the workshop, it was raining but I came prepared with my umbrella:

I am now sitting in Blue Cactus bar and grill at Byward Market (10 min walk) slightly drying off. 

It turns out that my jacket has lost 80% of its waterproofness. Good thing I brought the umbrella again. 

Here's a shot outside right now:

It's hard to see but the rain is coming down in sheets. 

Not sure whatelse to do tonight. Can't exactly wander around and explore.  Perhaps I will go to the mall to kill some time. (It's now raining harder). I've ready caught up on work emails and am blogging before dinner. Hopefully Lola's data connection is good tonight so we can talk/text. 

As I suspected, the walkthrus that were planned for Thursday and Friday (ooh lightning) have been delayed to next week. So I get to fly back tomorrow (Wednesday) night. I probably could go to Montreal for the day but would rather go home. Plus, knowing how things go I will be back to do a walkthru when Francois is on vacation, when bombardier is on their summer shutdown. 

Hopefully the garbage goals have enough skaters tonight, we have a double header back-to-back. I was looking forward to these games too...

Well, food should be here soon.  And maybe another beer...

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