Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Dear Lola

Dear Lola,

Thank you for keeping up the blog!  I'm sure our single reader is enjoying the photos and write ups and that the other silent viewers do too. 

Yes I have been busy with work. After work I'm trying to get in a workout each day. Two days of running and today was biking, need to build up some strength and endurance in these legs for hockey. 

Tonight was a quieter night - take out from Olive Garden and then eating back in the hotel. I needed something a little lighter for dinner as the past two nights have been a massive order of ribs and then a monsterous chimichanga. My lasagna primavera with grilled chicken and salad was perfect. 

Not sure what the plan will be for dinner tomorrow. Probably go out with Pascal and Beau who are also down here supporting the project from an engineering liaison point of view. We will see if pascal drinks again tomorrow night - apparently he had too much last night when we got back to the hotel where he and Beau decided to hangout at the hotel bar for a "few". Poor guy didn't make it to work this morning ;)

Anyways hope the weather keeps up so that those Manitobans who are going to Minneapolis this weekend to watch the jets beat up on the wild have a good drive. 

Take care,

Arizona Adam

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