Yesterday's blog was sure a hit - 23 views! Today is our last day on Maui. We have to check out in 38 mins and then our plan is to go and meet up with one of Gwen's co-workers (James) who is also here on Maui in Kihei.
Today will most likely be another relaxing beach day. The sun is poking through the clouds every once in a while which should make for a day of sunburns knowing how the girls keep saying "um, I don't think I need sunscreen" to which Devin and I also reply "yes, we don't want to deal with the complaining afterwards".
Our flight leaves at 6:00 tonight and we get into Kaui at 6:45. From there we will probably just grab our bags and rental car and make our way to the hotel, Kauai Beach Resort.
Now, time to finish packing my bag. Until Kauai, so long.
Will call you tonight if you wish. Let me know.