Today I'm getting winter tires installed. I spent part of the weekend looking for the best deal and ended up going with a deal from Canadian Tire - four tires installed on my rims for $487. I was originally looking for (at least) steel rims for my car but this deal was too good to pass up.
So I dropped my car off at Canadian tire at 6:00 and was told it would be ready at 7:30. I went to get something for dinner thinking this would kill some time. Of course, Murphy's law prevails - I ordered honey seasame chicken stir fry from Jack Astors thinking this would take time to make. No word of a lie, 5 mins after I ordered, my meal was ready... So much for killing time... And here I thought my order would take more time than my second choice - chicken fingers and fries... Boy was I mistaken.
After dinner I went back to Canadian tire and wandered around. There must be something wrong with me, after 5 mins of wandering I was done. Guess I didn't prove my dad proud on this one, lol.
So now I write this in the waiting room with French hockey news on the tv. I don't know what they are reporting on, I just heard Lemieux and Gretzky and try had highlights for the 87 Canada cup, must be reruns. At least they aren't running a simulation of a hockey season from a video game and reporting highlights on it like they were last night on Off the Record... See what happens when there is no NHL hockey? We go crazy...
Hey! I never spend more than ten minutes in a CT.
No photo of your new tires? Gwen