Thursday, 31 January 2019

Lola in Texas again - Austin Day 7

Well today the contractors got here to work on the bathrooms before we were even out of bed, the kids had just got up.  I was about to get up and the doorbell rang.

progress in the kids bathroom.

They cleaned up a lot of their work, and dust, so I felt like we should really get things cleaned up. I cleaned the eat in kitchen area, moved around plants, and got rid of all the boxes in that room.  Then washed the floors in the living room (again....).  So happy with the way it looks!

Today we went to swimming lessons, they weren't on their best behaviour, but they are natural swimmers.  Like I think they can swim better than me.

We had a good lunch of tuna, tomato soup, crackers and veggies!

After lunch it was nap time.  This is the first successful nap time at the new house.  T had a harder time, but eventually they both were sleeping!

MBMell had to go return a facet, so left before the kids were awake, but came home after B had woken.  She didn't even question where her mom was.  We had a snack, played with her Kitten sticker book, and then she asked to play on my iPad.  She sure was having a great time at the counter.

Eventually T was woken up, and he joined the iPad fun.

We had Taco bowls for supper and then MBMell and DD had to go give the keys back and do a walk through of the rental house.  The three of us talked to AA back in Manitoba while they were gone.  We gave him a little tour of the house (well the kids picked the rooms to show.)  Toy room, and the bedrooms where top priority.

We read some books, and then it was bed time. They are doing so well with their own rooms.

After they were settled, MBMell and Lola started to put together the upstairs "den" area.  washed the floor, built furniture, and rearranged the furniture in the area.  No photo of the finished area, but maybe tomorrow!

me and the mop!

Well time for bed. (the 3 adults are still all in the guest suite)


Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Lola in Texas again - Austin Day 6

Today was an adventure.  MbMell and Lola had a list of things to get done before we were going to pick up the kids from school and head to the airport.

The kids slept through the night with not one peep last night. They even slept past 7:50 this morning to about 8:05 or so. 

MBMell and Lola had to take the kids to school today, so they got them dressed.  Lola really wanted to see the kids ride their 2 wheelers, so she took each of them out on the sidewalk to show her, while MBMell tried to find Emma who was lost.  No luck, and we were going to be late for school.  Lola went back inside and found her behind the bench.  Off to school with almost happy kids.  T was a little upset as he wanted to go in the CRV (which DD had at the old house getting the car charger moved), but eventually we got them off to school.

Back to the house we went where we tried to get as much furniture mounted as possible and things hung up to make life more functional.

First up - Kids playroom furniture and world map canvas.

It felt good that all the recycling was picked up.

Then lunch with coconut maple ice cream.

Then made the kids beds with their new mattress protectors and changed over the handles on B's dresser and hung her new curtain.

Off to the guest room to put the furniture together (put the bed together).

Tried to mount the scrap booking shelf, but couldn't find the mounting tools.  We also put away the air mattresses.

Locks were rekeyed during this time.

We then hung some stuff in the back entry for jackets and shoes.

The awesome Tool Kit!

The phone alarm went off to get ready to get the kids and head to the airport.  I was just changing into my "winter" attire when AA texted telling me not to be worried, but the flight from Minneapolis to Winnipeg was cancelled (at 3:30, my flight left at 10:30).

AA the more experienced one helped Lola on the phone figure out what she had to do.  Also she asked if she could stay a few days longer. 

The flight they rebooked on was to go from Austin to Seattle to Calgary to Winnipeg.  Taking the entire day to get home... no thanks, that is ridiculous.  The next best flight was Friday at 4:30.... leaving at that time didn't make sense as she already lost the day at work... so she asked if she could book on Sunday instead!  YES please.... it is so cold in Manitoba, no one is asking me why I didn't hesitate.  I did a little, as AA and Lola haven't seen each other... but we will soon!

During this MbMell got a call from the school, that one of her kids were sick.  So we headed that way.  T was in pain complaining about his ear.  The school is luckily next door to the clinic, so off we went.  Within 15 minutes we had seen a nurse, a nurse practitioner, and they sent the prescription to the pharmacy.  It took longer for MBMell to get the prescription for the ear infection than the actual visit at the clinic.

Made it home, ordered some supper, got T calmed down and cosy in his pjs and just chilled.

We ordered groceries while we waited for the food to arrive.  And it came within 1 hour.  MbMell knows the key to my heart, waffles and ice cream.

Kids went to bed very well again (day 3 of separate rooms!)

Our bodies are a little sore, so it was nice to have the evening off.  Lola did some work and then we headed to bed.  Oh wait.... Lola doesn't have a bed, time to blow the air mattress up again.  No problem, move the furniture a little and we have 2 beds along the same wall.  This guest room is a SUITE...

Ok time for a shower and bed.  Oh and AA made it home from Thompson, and the weather is still -50 back in Manitoba. 

Not going home, Lola.

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Lola in Texas again - Austin Day 5

The kids successfully slept in their own rooms last night, and woke us up when the light turned green!.  Well T told B with the light turned green...

They came downstairs where T says "I told you, you would sleep in this room".  We hadn't decided before they went where we were going to sleep.

It was a school day, so get the kids dressed, and off to school/work with DD. 

MBMell and Lola had a lot to do today.  Oh and it was "cold" in Texas today, started at about 2 degrees Celsius this morning, with a high of 10.  Pack up as much of the stuff left at the old house as possible.  Packing before lunch and one trip to the new house in the Tesla fully loaded.  Then for lunch to Shake Shack again (so good), but a stop at home depot for some supplies and Wholefoods for some groceries.

Home Depot experts

MBMell backed the car in!

Back to the old house to do some minor repairs and pack the bathrooms, and clear out the house.  We got everything in the car but a few bins and one big box.  Lola was a super packer and even got the 2 kids bikes in the car!

Dropped that stuff off, and off to pick up the kids from School.  They were sure excited to see us.  We only got asked 3 times if we were sisters/twins today... no just friends that act and look a like.

We then had to go back to the old house to meet some neighbours who were taking the crib/beds and some other stuff from the house.  Little snag as the cribs wouldn't fit out the door, but eventually they got it out.  Lola entertained the kids, and let her collect somethings outside.  They picked some "flowers".  They were so excited.

The Empty house!

Then to the house to make a meal!  Tilapia (lemon and dill), rice and roasted brocoli.  No leftovers, we must have worked up an appetite.

Then bath time and bed.  The kids were a little excited at bed time, but once separated, calmed right down and went to bed.

We were excited to finish our closet (cut the dowel at home depot to fit, but was an 1/8" of an inch to big, so asked the guy doing the reno if he would cut it for me... just in 2 seconds he cut it off, and it fits great!).  We unpacked a lot of boxes, and they are all out on the curb ready for recycling day tomorrow.

We ate ice cream (lola's favourite Austin Local coconut maple) before bed.  26,420 steps today. Feet are tired.  Have some things still to get done tomorrow, before my flight.

Oh and back in Manitoba, AA is still in Thompson enjoying the frigid temperatures of -34.

It will be a sad day tomorrow, but hopefully also productive!

Night, Lola.