Hopefully this is the last I time I have to make this trip for a while. Now that my project is done (well not 100% but close enough) I'm ready to resume a regular, normal work-life balance. Some travel is ok but I'm tired of being say from home over the weekend. Maybe a weekend in Montreal would be ok, see the city again and enjoy it this time as opposed to when I was (essentially) working two jobs.
I'm definitely looking forward to the summer - camping, cabins, biking, golfing and many other activities I'm sure. That reminds me, I still need to book the days off after may long weekend so that we can go camping (in yurts) with Eric and Jamie. And take the other three days off that week so I can get things done around the house, or just be lazy and have a break.
Not sure what I feel like for dinner. Had enchiladas last night for supper before a resounding 7-0 win for the garbage goals. Graham scored a beauty. I just looked good out there. Or so I will say, that enchilada definitely was sitting like a brick in my stomach. Maybe just a burrito from chicken Nuevo or a burger. I don't really feel like going somewhere "fancy" at 8 pm for dinner by myself.
Well, on initial decent into Tucson, should pack up the iPad and my bag. I'll have to see if there are any good deals on iPads, I'm sure Gwen is tired of lending me hers.